Golola Moses Kicked out of Hotel

Golola Moses at Bushara Island Camp

No, its not for none payment of bills. Larger than life, celebrated Ugandan kickboxer Golola Moses has been kicked out of the Kabale hotel where he has based his training camp ahead of his forthcoming fight with Hungarian Andras Nag.

The African kickboxing champion was kicked out of Bushara island camp on Lake Bunyonyi after several complaints from guests especially foreign tourists over his intolerable noise while training at night.

Reports indicate that clients at the hotel told management that they were scared of Golola’s antics and noise during his nightlong practice sessions.
‘The man who can tear pages out of facebok’ has since moved to White Horse Inn. Bushara Island camp manager Jasper Musinguzi confirmed the decision to throw out Golola
Golola Moses had earlier complained of the weather changes in Kabale claiming that the weather had become warm of late in the South Western district unlike in the past when the area used to be cold.

He is also reported to have fallen in love with Bakiga’s energy giving porridge called ‘Enturire’.
He takes enough of this porridge after a hard day’s work crushing stones and doing drills through the rough terrain of the area.